Project 'Hiya' - Update #5

27 Dec 2020 - Fabian Tauriello

Over the last year I’ve spent a lot of time tinkering with the Android ecosystem. I’ve built several Android apps using Kotlin, which can be found on my GitHub account (e.g “COVID-Tracker”, and “Movie Catalog”). This has allowed me to get familiar with the tools and environment, and begin working on an Android implementation of Hiya. So, as promised, that’s exactly what I did. HOWEVER, Kotlin is the recommended/supported language for Android applications according to Google so I’m afraid Java has been sidelined. Fortunately, Kotlin was quite simple to learn. I don’t find it that different from Java but it’s much better in some key areas: less boilerplate, and null safety to name a couple.

Here are some images of Hiya (as an Android app) in action:

profile entry     number entry

chat rooms     contact list

chat log

While it’s not even close to being finished, the basics are there and I feel that I have a good understanding of what is required and which direction to take. The final project will utilise most (if not, all) of the following libraries/features:

Lastly, I’m not satisfied with building just another chat app. I want to release Hiya to the store so I want to build something truly unique. I have some ideas that I’ll share in my next post, but for now, you’ll have to settle for the pictures above.

Check out the repository here.
Note, you can also click “Hiya” under “Project Updates” to see the repository.